
Water in Mining Areas

This paper describes some of debilitating impacts of mining on water resources which have a direct implication on the source, quality and availability of water. The surface drainage patterns are obliterated by every mine and some of the deep opencast and underground...

Are European Capital Flows Climate-Proof?

Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) is one of the flagship steel plants of the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), located in the Indian state of Orissa. It currently has the capacity to produce 1.9 MT of steel p.a. – but plans to modernise and more than double its...

Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation in Gujarat

Consent Award System in Reliance SEZ, Jamnagar Different Methods of Compulsory Land Acquisition and Determining Compensation under the Gujarat State Laws Land Acquisition Manual: Assessment and Review Land Acquisition Procedures and Grievance Redressal Processes:...

Impact Assessment of Bridges and Barrages on River Yamuna in Delhi

Structures across rivers have been built since times immemorial until this day - logjams and Bamboo bridges to Steel and Concrete structures. However, the rapidity at which rivers are being stopped, bridged, dammed and altered has begun to reach alarming proposition...

Environmental Democracy in The Himalayas

An Assessment of Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand The Access Initiative (TAI) is a global coalition of public interest groups.  The coalition is led by a Core team comprising of Advocates Coalition...