International SolidarityAsia Europe People’s Forum The Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) was initiated the mid-1990s from a common desire and need among people’s organizations and networks across Asia and Europe to find new venues for dialogue, cooperation, and solidarity. The inter-regional conference was organized in 1996 coinciding the first Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) held in Bangkok. Currently the work of AEPF is organised around six clusters on issues which are of pressing importance. Read More |
Cost of DevelopmentThe Other Side of Development An old saying – ‘All that glitters is not gold’ – is apt for Homo sapiens of today as they are obsessed with ‘development’, carrying a pre-conceived notion – how a city should look like. This eventually results a city losing its in-situ natural sheen and district of Janjgir-Champa is witnessing it too. Once surrounded by lush green forests and agro-farms with abundant water from River Mahanadi, this region is on the verge of losing its natural environs. Government’s promises of providing concrete roof overhead, better earning opportunities, improved educational facilities, and above all a prosperous lifestyle, have painted a rosy picture in the minds of common people, especially in the rural stretches. In order to transform Janjgir-Champa as next ‘power-hub’ of the nation, irreversible damage is being done to its ecology and environment. Read More |
Pollution WatchAir Pollution in Selected Sites in September 2018 Air Pollution in the country has been deteriorating to dangerous levels over the past few years, mainly due to the increased pace of mining, industrial activity, construction activity, vehicular emissions, etc. The air quality in NCR and surrounding regions, has been especially making headlines due to the levels breaching the severe category regularly. Environics Trust has installed 97 low cost Air pollution monitor devices in multiple locations in the states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Delhi, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the pollution levels in several highly industrialised areas. To read a brief Analysis of the Air Pollution in several Cities, Click Here |
An overviewWomen’s Health Schemes in Madhya Pradesh A Team of Environics Trust visited Khajuraho, Panna, Satna and Rewa districts of Madhya Pradesh in September 2018 and made observations at the Primary Health Center (PHC), Community health Center (CHC) and District Health Center (DHC) in these districts. During the visit, the team had regular consultations about the facilities being provided in the rural areas. The government planning, policies, and facilities for the rural populace, especially the female, were discussed in detail with Block Medical Officer (BMO), health counsellors, doctors and lab assistant. Read More |
महिला स्वास््य व स्वावलंबनसेनेटरी नैपकिन यूनिट जब सेनेट्री पैड्स नहीं बने थे तब महिलाओं को पीरियड्स के दौरान होने वाले रक्तस्राव को रोकने के लिए लकड़ी, रेत, काई, और घास जैसी चीजों का इस्तेमाल करना पड़ता था, वह समय कितना दर्दनाक था. आज भी गांवों और छोटे शहरों में ऐसे बहुत से घर हैं जहां महिलाएं सेनेट्री पैड्स का इस्तेमाल नहीं करतीं ऐसे में बहुत सी महिलाएं सूती कपड़े को फाड़ कर पीरियड्स में इस्तेमाल करती हैं जिनके गीले होने पर वे उसे धोकर फिर से इस्तेमाल में लाने के लिए रख लेती है हैं या फेंक देती हैं, जो बिल्कुल आरामदायक नहीं होता. Read More |
Report of Participation in Conference
Thinking outside the box Injustice, prejudice and detrimental outlook of the social and legal entities, sadly, is omnipresent and more often than not, we fail to affirm and support the failing and neglected systemic framework of our Nation. Recently, I had an opportunity to participate in ‘Front lines Defenders Award (Regional)’ ceremony in Delhi in October 2018. Read More |
Livelihood-DeprivationPlight of Zari-Zardosi workers in Bareilly ‘I am a double M. A. without any job and help my mother in Zari-Zardosi work’ – that’s what Khustarbi a 23 years old had to say while talking about the condition of the Zari-Zardosi workers and their families. However, on the other hand her mother Farzana had a different story to tell – “It is the government which is not providing benefits to the educated members of the family.” She further added that now she sees no point in educating her children. With five daughters, two sons and husband residing outside the country, it becomes difficult for her to manage even the basic needs. This is the story of almost every household in the village Chandpur Jogiyan. Read More |
Environmental CrisisClimate Change and Transportation Climate change has mostly been viewed in terms of quantifying emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs) and consequent impacts on environment, ecology, and man-made systems, encompassing practically everything – natural and anthropogenic systems – on the Earth, above the Earth and beneath the Earth. Or in simpler words, climate change primarily involves estimations of nature, extent, and magnitude of impacts and in that context ‘climate change’ is rather more of an impact than the word ‘change’ is normally referred to in common usage. ‘Change for Climate’ connotes positive sense. Read More |
Victims of PollutionThe Untold Story of Victims of Secondary Exposure to Asbestos in Kymore, Madhya Pradesh A small community living in Kymore, Madhya Pradesh – the heart of India – fights every day for fresh and asbestos free air. Their source of income is in fact a slow poison that they are doomed to breathe every day. The operations of Everest Industries Ltd. are sole reason for it. Everest Industries produce asbestos cement (AC) sheet under the brand name of Everest, having a wide spread business across the country. Read More |
New InitiativeRiver Rejuvenation Initiative A new initiative on river rejuvenation has been recently launched and in this connection a meeting was organized at IARI on 21 October 2018. Mr Sanjay Gupta has been on the forefront of this initiative and he has visited our office to seek ET’s cooperation in this common cause. In the beginning, Sanjay Gupta read out the names of individuals/organizations working on the different facets of water/river, work they are doing and are associated with this network. He also gave a brief on the necessity of river rejuvenation. Read More |
We welcome all suggestions and questions from our readers. A feedback from all will be much appreciated. In case there are any questions or clarification with regards to the content present in this issue, please email us at addresses below. Editorial Team: |
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