Indian Super foods can help curb malnutrition

Indian Super foods can help curb malnutrition

Indian Super foods can help curb malnutrition The Article 47 of the Constitution of India is a Directive Principle of State Policy that directs the State to improve the level of nutrition and standards of living of its people and to improve public health as its duty....
Asia Tax and Women’s Labour Campaign Planning Meeting

Asia Tax and Women’s Labour Campaign Planning Meeting

Dates and Venue – 28-30 November 2018, Hanoi As is now customary, participants were given five minutes to talk to individual sitting next to one, and then each participant introduced each other. After this organizers welcomed participants and expressed their...

वन्यजीवों और आजीविका की पहल

पाटा नैनीताल जिले के रामगढ़ ब्लॉक का एक गांव है जिसके मूल ग्राम पंचायत सतबूंगा है। सतबूंगा ग्राम सभा में पाटा, सकार, लोधिया और कापुवा गांव आते हैं। यह रामगंगा बेसिन (या बड़े जलागम) का क्षेत्र है जो शारदा जलागम से लगा हुआ है और यहाँ की भोगोलिक-पर्यावरणीय-परिस्थितिकी...
Social Audit

Social Audit

The social audit can be explained as the process of monitoring and evaluation of the government initiatives or schemes for the society to examine the quality of work done on the ground. The communities have rights to get involved in the audit process in order to...