Make taxes work for women
Understanding green financing in India
Indian economy is struggling to come to terms with the unprecedented COVID Crisis. While the government authorities are focusing to bring down its impact on the other hand by safely restarting the activities the bigger challenges of climate change needs to be...
Forest rights law: How joint environment, tribal ministry memo ‘ignores’ tribal interests
The recent Joint Communication by both the Secretaries of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Ministry of Tribal Affairs for implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 dilutes...
India, largely a country of immigrants
If North America is predominantly made up of new immigrants, India is largely a country of old immigrants, which explains its tremendous diversity. It follows that tolerance and equal respect for all communities and sects are an absolute imperative if we wish to keep...
Tribute to a courageous campaigner against Adani’s Godda coal-power station
On 4 May 2021, Ramjeevan Paswan, a dedicated defender of the rights of Indian indigenous farmers, passed away after contracting the COVID-19 virus. Ramjeevan had campaigned against the proposed Godda coal-power plant, the intended destination for coal from Adani’s...
Development, Displacement, and Biodiversity: With Special Emphasis on the Forest Rights Act, 2006
Development according to Amartya Sen is a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy. It is the process of enhancing individual capacities to avoid various deprivations such as starvation, malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality. But nowadays the...
Bangladesh boom fuels Indian exports
Bangladesh jumped four notches to become India’s fifth-largest export destination in the year ended 31 March as exports to many of the nation’s traditional markets shrank because of the pandemic while its eastern neighbour continued to report economic growth. Read...
High malnutrition and contaminated drinking water afflict tribal population in Panna; three children die in seven days
As Karondi Bai made rotis on a griddle in front of her, she also kept a firm hold of her toddler son who was clinging to her. A bandage was wrapped around his torso. “He has a boil. We took him to a private doctor, he is still not too well,” the worried 28-year-old...
स्टील प्लांट हटाओ जशपुर बचाओ
दिनांक 11 जुलाई 2021 को दोपहर 1 बजे जशपुर जिले के कांसाबेल तहसील के ग्राम टाँगर गांव में ग्रामीणों के आमंत्रण पर अखिल भारतीय जनजातीय सुरक्षा मंच की टीम राष्ट्रीय संयोजक श्री गणेश राम भगत जी के नेतृत्व में टाँगरगांव पहुँचेगी । स्थानीय ग्रामीणों के साथ मिलकर स्टील...
Heath Benefits of Moringa
The health benefits of Moringa have been known in indigenous communities for ages. Now nutritionists consider it super food.
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