Chief Labour Commissioner of India Shri DPS Negi reviewed the status of sensitization and implementation of labour laws in labour codes in various developmental projects in Srinagar today. In separate meeting with State Government and senior project officials from Airports Aurhority Of India (AAI), NHPC, BRO, NHIDCL, Power Grid, HPCL, CPWD, etc., Shri Negi enquired about the prevailing labour issues at their project sites. He also studies different activities undertaken there.

Senior officers of state Government and GMs in-charge of the projects briefed the CLC(C) regarding the compliance with various labour laws. Shri Negi expressed satisfaction about the compliance status of labour laws at their projects. He explained to the officials and contractors about the importance of implementation of labour laws and new labour codes. He elucidated how compliance with new labour codes is a win-win situation for all – the Government, the employees and the employers.

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