23 अगस्त को एनजीटी की टीम आएगी रायगढ़

23 अगस्त को एनजीटी की टीम आएगी रायगढ़, बहुचर्चित तमनार प्रकरण के सम्बंध में होगी अहम बैठक, छत्तीसगढ़ हाईकोर्ट के पूर्व न्यायधीश करेंगे स्थल निरीक्षण, एनजीटी की प्रिंसिपल बैंच के आदेश पर टीम का रायगढ़ में रहेगा दो दिवसीय दौरा। एनजीटी की टीम 23 अगस्त को रायगढ़ पहुंच रही है,...

The rumbling hills of Himachal Pradesh

In a State where hydro power projects, dams and construction activities are increasing, landslides too are becoming common. Vikas Vasudeva reports on the benefits of the projects and the concerns of the people in a fragile Himalayan region. Read...
Asbestos Victim Certification

Asbestos Victim Certification

On 20th August, 2021 Dr. Muralidharan along with India Ban Asbestos Network members diagnosed and certified 150 cases of Asbestos Related Diseases out of 400 probable victims. These people have been working in Asbestos containing products manufacturing for years and...
Mushroom Weighing

Mushroom Weighing

Since we are having regular yield of Mushrooms in our lab, it becomes very important to keep a track on the amount of yield. As we want to increase the shelf life by drying these mushrooms, we need to know the weight of fresh bloom and dried mushroom. Toploading...
The IPCC report and the risk of false solutions

The IPCC report and the risk of false solutions

Acknowledging the gravity of the IPCC report, global organizations and some based in the United States are calling on governments to reject false solutions to the climate crisis and invest in strategies that will rapidly reduce emissions. Climate Justice Alliance...