International Women Solidarity

Promoting Empowerment and Leadership of Women Workers in Asia

Women empowerment or say giving an authority to women is need of the hour, yet women – especially working women – continue to be deprived and marginalised.  They are often forced to participate in the labour markets on an unequal basis with men, suffering low pay, unhealthy working conditions and are deprived of the right to participation. Read More

The National Perspective

Air Pollution in India – Crucial Aspects

Air pollution has emerged as a major global problem in developing and developed countries, both. In India, the situation has grown far worse in recent times due to various factors – agricultural activities, burning of fossil fuels, mining operation, indoor activities, dust, demolition in the construction industry, forest fires, etc. The visible and measurable impacts of air pollution is at two levels – global atmosphere and human beings. The manifestations of global impacts are reflected in climate changes, acid rain, and ozone layer depletion whereas its ill-effects on human beings are seen in the form of increased air-pollution related deaths (respiratory diseases, heart ailments, cancer, etc.). Read More

Celebrating Diwali and Consequences

Air Quality – The impact of Diwali?

The Air quality in the country is fast deteriorating. The air quality in the National Capital Region has deteriorated to such a level that the area has been referred to as a “Gas Chamber”. Poor air quality across the country prompted the Supreme Court of India to come up with immediate measures to curb rising air pollution due to bursting of crackers. The Supreme Court of India on 31 October 2018, ordered restrictions from partially banning fireworks to setting the time limit on bursting of crackers in the NCR region. Read More

The Burning Issue

Let’s Eradicate Malnutrition Now!

A recent article in the newspaper regarding the death of children in Yemen due to malnourishment made me wonder what situation in our country is like. Well, the situation is no better than Yemen.

The major malnourished states of the country include Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan and Maharashtra also come in the list of states prominent with malnutrition. With the world’s largest programme to combat malnutrition – Integrated Child Development Scheme – India has still proved to be incapable of eliminating this blot. What haunts my mind is that in a country of billions, where 60 per cent of its population continues to be engaged in agriculture, we are unable to meet the food demand in the country. Read More

Evolution of Map Creation

Through Maps: The Art of Map Creation

The manual mapping techniques were employed for the longest period of cartography and they were relatively accurate and certain about the earthly features. There were survey teams and cartographers that drew maps by hands and used navigational devises such as the early compass and the position of the stars. Read More

Review of Judgement on Asbestos Case

NGT judgement on Asbestos Shall be mandatory to implement

Occupational Health and workers right are the collective indicator of a country’s development. A country with more than 81% informal sector workers, needs to fight hard to meet the terms and conditions while complying the norms. The working condition requires high standards and the regulations should be demanding, then only, those into business will treat the workers with respect and sincerity. Read More

Social Audit in Delhi

Social Audit

The social audit can be explained as the process of monitoring and evaluation of the government initiatives or schemes for the society to examine the quality of work done on the ground. The communities have rights to get involved in the audit process in order to verify the quality of works done and to keep a track if benefits have reached to the beneficiaries or not. Read More

स्थानीय पारिस्थिति

वन्यजीवों और आजीविका की पहल

पाटा नैनीताल जिले के रामगढ़ ब्लॉक का एक गांव है जिसके मूल ग्राम पंचायत सतबूंगा है। सतबूंगा ग्राम सभा में पाटा, सकार, लोधिया और कापुवा गांव आते हैं। यह रामगंगा बेसिन (या बड़े जलागम) का क्षेत्र है जो शारदा जलागम से लगा हुआ है और यहाँ की भोगोलिक-पर्यावरणीय-परिस्थितिकी लगभग मिलती जुलती है। सतबूंगा का अर्थ है सात पवित्र चोटियों वाला उपजाऊ भू-भाग। सतबूंगा ग्राम सभा की वन पंचायत नैनीताल जिले की सबसे बड़ी वन पंचायत है। Read More


Asia Tax and Women’s Labour Campaign Planning Meeting

Report from the meeting of the Asia Tax and Womens Labour Campaign held at Hanoi on 28-30 November 2018. Read More

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Editorial Team:
Arun K Singh –

Environics Trust
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