The Perils of Climate Activism

As I began writing this essay, an opinion piece titled “A Giant Poor Sighted Bird Stands in the Way of India’s Green Goals” from Bloomberg Green pinged my social media radar.1 The article discusses the impact of a recent Supreme Court of India ruling asking for...

Two of the 10-most-polluted spots on earth are in India

Two of the 10-most-polluted spots on earth are in India, according to a report by the US-based Blacksmith Institute. The institute’s advisory board which includes environmental and public health experts from institutions like Harvard, MIT, IIT-Delhi and the...

Will clean air become a new global currency?

Air pollution is a silent killer. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 9 out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants, resulting in 7 million deaths per year. While many countries have been making active efforts over the past decade...