DMFs become a project machine….. | Environics Trust

DMFs become a project machine…..

PMKKKY (Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana) is a guideline for framing rules by States for the District Mineral Foundation proposed under the amended MMDR 2015 Act. The guidelines categorise two major heads for expenditure viz. high priority areas and other priority areas thereby also emphasising the utilisation of funds collected under respective DMFs. The following table will provide state wise ategorisation of sectors and amounts allocated for each sector. One would find that rather than directly benefiting the ‘mining affected communities’ government is building projects from these funds for providing basic essential services as if communities are burden in the absence of such a fund. Read on….



DMFs become a project machine…..

PMKKKY (Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana) is a guideline for framing rules by States for the District Mineral Foundation proposed under the amended MMDR 2015 Act. The guidelines categorise two major heads for expenditure viz. high priority areas and other priority areas thereby also emphasising the utilisation of funds collected under respective DMFs. The following table will provide state wise ategorisation of sectors and amounts allocated for each sector. One would find that rather than directly benefiting the ‘mining affected communities’ government is building projects from these funds for providing basic essential services as if communities are burden in the absence of such a fund. Read on….



Data as on March 2019

 SNo Name of Projects Odisha  Chhattisgarh  Madhya Pradesh
No of Projects Allocated   (INR in cr) Spent (INR in cr) No of Projects Allocated (INR in cr) Spent (INR in cr) No of Projects Allocated (INR in lakh) Disbursed(INR in lakh)
1 Drinking Water Supply 3061 1531.55 252.48 2639 312.65 00 467 5903.56 2589.56
2 Environment Preservation and Pollution Control 30 95.48 12.40 647 201.44   78 2726.66 1131.17
3 Health Care 133 652.58 184.11 1459 286.85   186 6952.57 29836.24
4 Education 390 529.61 120.14 7344 965.89   670 9889.41 6475.65
5 Women and Children Welfare 59 107.29 16.23 2927 110.54   117 419.76 30.22
Irrigation 285 669.40 64.02 918 163.83   38 605.29 188.23
Power NIL –  NIL   NIL  –   –
Physical Infrastructure 373 1961.85 189.78 6845 1286.84   1079 28647.16 13365.23
Skill Development 7 80.08 15.29 475* 83.10   995 2190.11 396.77
10  Public Facilities NIL NIL   –  – NIL  –   –
11  Energy 50  76.63 40.48 1512 182.29  –   NIL   –  –
12  Sanitation 14  27.06 1.99 1226 89.66   164 999.68 412.38
13  Sports NIL NIL   – –  NIL –  – 
14  Housing 5 5.41 0.66 NIL –  –  NIL –  – 
15  Welfare of Aged and Disabled People NIL –  –  91 18.71   12  627.28 492.32
16  Watershed Development NIL  1079* 121.74   15** 3216.78 1632.70
17  Agriculture & Allied Activities NIL –  –  2599 228.61   NIL –   –
18  Infrastructure NIL –  –  14 2.44   NIL  –
19  Human Resources NIL –  –  9 5.06    NIL –   –
20  Government schemes/Programmes NIL –  –  4 0.58   NIL –   –
21  Training & Capacity Building NIL  –  –  90 6.32   NIL –   –
22  Administrative or Establishments & etc NIL  –  –  15 0.42   NIL –   –
23  Other Social Development Activities   46.90 38.93 NIL  – –  NIL –   –
24  Afforestation   21.59 12.56 NIL  –  –  NIL –   –
25 Road Connectivity   9.29 2.97 NIL    
26 Livelihood Programmes   623.48 59.00 NIL    
  TOTAL 4407  6438.20 1011.04 29893 4076.97 3821 62178.26 56550.45

* Skill development & employment ** Energy & Watershed Development