
UNEARTH – The Viewsletter – Issue 4

UNEARTH – The Viewsletter – Issue 4

UNEARTH- The Viewsletter July 2017 Issue 4 From the Managing Trustee Desk Dear Readers, Welcome to the new issue of Unearth. This issue has a wide range of coverage with a focus on ethics and including aspects such as bankers realizing in the aftermath of the banking...

Hydropower Projects in The Sutlej River Basin North Western Himalayas

Rivers as natural watercourses have remained the most efficient systems to sustain lives and livelihoods of millions of people irrespective of whom they are serving but the scenario has been transforming as the pressures on these water systems and attached ecology has...

UNEARTH – The Viewsletter – Issue 3

UNEARTH- The Viewsletter June 2017 Issue 3 From the Managing Trustee Desk Dear Readers, In the past few months I have been having a very big carbon footprint as Environics is taking more responsibilities for the Asian and Global Networks of which we have members. The...

Community Issues in Coal Belts

A short descriptive report on Barddhaman District outlining areas of public health and indicators of health, nutrition and environmental pollution, MDGs. A blog elaborates more on specific issues of health and education. 1....

Mobilize-ing the Voice of Unheard Aid Recipients

We have successfully used mobile phones to amplify and advertise the impact of the Indian government in addressing unmet needs of rural citizens.  Our approach is to expand the scope of our prior technology service, using the CGNet Swara platform, which uses an...

UNEARTH – The viewsletter – Issue 2

UNEARTH – The Viewsletter is a monthly newsletter of Environics Trust. This is an effort to make everyone aware about the work being done by us, the voices of the communities we work with, the issues and all the other stories we come across. IN THIS ISSUE From the...

UNEARTH – The viewsletter – Issue 1

UNEARTH - The Viewsletter is a monthly newsletter of Environics Trust. This is an effort to make everyone aware about the work being done by us, the voices of the communities we work with, the issues and all the other stories we come across. The first issue of our...

Situation of Unwed Mothers in District Angul

Situation of Unwed Mothers in Angul District - A Field perspective from select development blocks Single mothers bear a social taboo, especially in rural India. One of the factors for such a situation is rapid transformation of micro economy thereby inviting outside...